
Daevid Allen, musician, poet, and founder of GONG, died on March 13 2015 aged 77, after a full life and fascinating career. Some of his family members and friends met at his home on the night of March 21st to celebrate his life with poetry and music. Here is a selection of the poems shared on that occasion, reproduced here with permission. Copyright for the writings and photos used here remains the property of the authors or other copyright holders. f you would like to learn more about Daevid, I recommend this excellent Guardian obituary.


I'm a Flying Teapot!

By Donall Dempsey

GONG! There goes...
the bell for the final round!

The body's soft machine
gave up the ghost

and glid
into forever.

It's just the simple
past tense.

I know you have never
glid before

but crazy Daevid 
this is the angel's egg

we are.

I still see you
in the Paris riots

handing out 
teddy bears to policemen.

Now follow
into the where ever

the music leads


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